Equilibrium is a lamp without structure: it is composed of two ends and when they are close the magnetic force attracts them to each other making them magically float in the air, through two magnets. Equilibria is the perfect object to illuminate any space, a luminaire with a pure and simple design that adapts to any style. Equilibria is an ambient lamp, which emits indirect light if the two ends are aligned or direct by taking the lower part, thus breaking the balance. The source is built-in LED and the lamp is equipped with a dimmer, with which it is possible to adjust the light intensity. Equilibria is available in two finishes: black or brass.
Together with the Equipoise lamp, the Seroluce Floor is added, the floor accessory, which can be easily coupled to Equipoise. The accessory is black in color and thanks to the magnetic attraction, the lower part of the Equipoise connects to the end of the adjustable accessory and the light can be directed towards a book, a painting or where it is needed.