Foscarini Spokes
Spokes Rame: the chandelier expresses an idea of lightness; produced in copper in various sizes, it is composed of a dense network that filters the light, reproducing the effect of a kaleidoscope. The association made by our mind is to assimilate it to a lantern or an aviary. It can also be activated with the Bluetooth system and adjusted the intensity of the light. So far we have dealt with very high quality devices with an original, but not particularly unusual design. Similar products can be compared to Artemide, Linea Light or Firmamento Milano lamps.
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Foscarini Spokes 3 AmbientAs low as €1,579.90
Foscarini Spokes 2 Midi AmbientAs low as €1,571.36
Foscarini Spokes 2 Large AmbientAs low as €2,228.94
Foscarini Spokes 2 AmbientAs low as €1,579.90
Foscarini Spokes 1 AmbientAs low as €1,600.64
Foscarini Spokes 3As low as €1,265.14
Foscarini Spokes 2 LargeAs low as €1,988.60
Foscarini Spokes 2As low as €1,265.14
Foscarini Spokes 2 MIDIAs low as €1,259.04
Foscarini Spokes 1As low as €1,288.32