Roots in the Italian province and an eye to distant horizons. Lateral thinking and concreteness. Shared values such as the common passion for light understood as functionality and magic. This is how a sheet of paper becomes a lamp on which to write down love phrases. Karman, an all-Italian company, founded in 2005 in Fossombrone in the heart of the Marche region, continues to experiment with unconventional materials by distributing its products all over the world. The Karman world moves naturally through an original and personal decorative use of light in both private and contract environments. Each lamp has something to say, it is the materialization of a memory, of a sensation. The styles of the designers blend and coexist happily between tradition and modernity guided by research and the technical ability to create beauty.
- Brands
- Amarcords
- Arkoslight
- Artemide
- Beneito Faure
- Braga
- Catellani & Smith
- All Brands
- Assolo
- Cuboluce
- Passepartout
- Sestessa
- Contardi
- Daylight Italia
- Diomede Light
- Fabbian
- Fatboy
- Firmamento Milano
- Flos
Fontana Arte
- All Brands
- Bianca
- Foscarini
- Ingo Maurer
- Kartell
- All Brands
- Random Stick
- A-Tube Nano
- Bugia
- Kelly
- Volum
- Rosoni
- Random
- Logica
- Linea Light
- All Brands
- Movida
- Sottosopra
- Luceplan
- Marino Cristal
- All Brands
- Pipistrello
- Nemo
- OLuce
- OliveLab
- All Brands
- Dip
- Zero Round
- Zero Square
- Zero Ellipse
- Rosoni Zero
- Bella
- Tubino
- Opuntia
- Platek
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- Turtle Carry
- Rabbit
- Giraffe in Love
- Golden Brothers
- Teddy
- Kong
- Mexico
- Ribbon
- Oggian
- Rossini
- Rotaliana
- Slamp
- Stilnovo
- Sylvania
- Tooy
- Vistosi
- Diesel Living with Lodes
- All Brands
- Poldina Pro Peanuts
- Poldina Pro
- Poldina Mini
- Poldina Micro